About the Dog


Denali was adopted from New England Border Collie Rescue in June 2010, when he was 4 months old.  He was born deaf (and will always be deaf), but he's one of those lucky dogs that was born into rescue and so hasn't known a bad day in his life.  He had a hoard of knowledgeable dog people socializing and exposing him to a gazillion things from a young age, and the result is a dog who is ridiculously athletic, loves all people (but not so much your dog) and is down for anything.

Denali has done everything from climb ladder trails (that I didn't realize were ladder trails) to swim to islands with me.  Doesn't matter what it is, he's game.  He's learned to drink from camel pack water tubes and can scale rock faces like a mountain goat.  He even looks like one.

When he's not having an outdoors adventure Denali competes in dog sports like agility and dock diving, and volunteers his time as a certified therapy dog.  He also enjoys doing laundry and dropping toys in the shower with you.

Denali at an agility trial.
Denali at a Dock Dogs competition.

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